The Accounting Authority must establish Sub Committees consisting of a suitable number of persons with the knowledge and skills needed to perform the functions of the Committee.
1. Accounting Authority
The Accounting Authority must:
- Govern and manage the CETA in accordance with the PFMA, the Act and any other applicable legislation
- Ensure that the CETA achieves the objectives of the CETA
- Provide effective leadership and ensure that the CETA implements the goals of the NSDS and the Performance Agreement with the Minister
- Provide strategic direction of the CETA
- Liaise with stakeholders
- Ensure that the CETA complies with the relevant statutory requirements
- Manage institutional risk
- Monitor the performance of the CETA
- Ensure that its members and members of the committees established by it, comply with its code of conduct
2. Executive Committee
Subject to the directions of the Accounting Authority, this Committee must oversee the management of the CETA.
Without limiting its functions contemplated in paragraph (a), the Executive Committee must:
- Supervise the proper management of all financial matters
- Coordinate and supervise the implementation of the Accounting Authority policies
- Monitor national policy issues and developments and must make recommendations regarding the adoption of policies by the Accounting Authority
- Coordinate the functioning of committee, chambers and structures of the CETA and must monitor their activities in order to ensure that they act within the terms of any powers delegated to them by the Accounting Authority
- Oversee staff employment issues
- Determine budgets and business plans
- Monitor the relations and interactions of the CETA with other SETAs and other agencies on matters related to skills development and
- Perform any other function delegated to it by the Accounting
3. Governance and Strategy Committee
The Committee must:
- Ensure the development of policies, principles, criteria and guidelines that are necessary for the Training and Skills development function of the CETA
- Promote good governance and approve training and skills development projects and monitor implementation
- Report to the Accounting Authority on such matters as it deems necessary
- Develop the skills development strategy for the Sector
Corporate governance embodies processes and systems by which CETA is directed, controlled, and held to account, and Parliament, the Executive, and the AA of the CETA are responsible for its corporate governance.
The role of the board is as follows:
The following roles and functions of the AA are outlined in the CETA Constitution. The AA must:
- Govern and manage the CETA following the PFMA, the Act and any other applicable legislation;
- Ensure that the SETA achieves the objectives in clause 5 of its Constitution and performs the functions in clause 6 of its Constitution;
- Provide effective leadership and ensure that the CETA implements the goals of the NSDS and the Performance Agreement with the Minister;
- Provide a strategic direction for the CETA;
- Liaise with stakeholders;
- Ensure that the CETA complies with the relevant statutory requirements and the requirements of this Constitution;
- Manage institutional risk;
- Monitor and report on the performance of the CETA; and
- Ensure that its members and the members of the committees established by it, comply with the Code of Conduct.
Composition of the Board
In line with section 11(1) and (2) of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998, the AA should comprise 14 independent members and a Chairperson, which ensures independence and objectivity in decision-making. The 14 members referred to have full voting rights and:
- Six persons nominated by organised labour;
- Six persons nominated by organised employers including small business or government departments that are employers; and
- Two persons nominated by -
- Government departments that have an interest in the sector, but the departments are not an employer.
- Any interested professional body.
4. Committees of the Accounting Authority
Item 8 of the CETA Constitution provides that: The AA has powers and responsibility to establish sub- committees to enable it to discharge its responsibilities effectively and efficiently. The AA established the following committees:
- Executive Committee;
- Audit and Risk Committee;
- Finance, Human Resources, Remuneration and Ethics Committee; and
- Governance, Strategy, and ICT Committee.
5. Finance Committee
The Committee must perform all functions delegated to it by the Accounting Authority in order to ensure that the CETA meets the requirements of the Act, the SDLA, the PFMA and Treasury Regulations that relate to finance and the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer, members, committee members and staff.
They must also make recommendations to the Accounting Authority in respect of:
- The budget, cash flow and financial statements of the CETA
- The financial policies of the CETA
- Actions to implement the recommendations of the Auditor-Generals Report and the internal and external audit reports of the CETA
- The execution of the legally mandated financial functions of the CETA and
- The financial implications of policies, decisions and changes to the budget and Business Plan of the CETA
6. Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee must advise the Accounting Authority on any matter relating to remuneration in order to enable the Accounting Authority to develop consistent, fair and impartial strategies, policies, procedures and processes for the compensation of its members and staff so as to attract, motivate and retain talented people.
The Remuneration Committee must evaluate and must make recommendations to the Accounting Authority in respect of the following issues relating to the remuneration of both staff and the Chief Executive Officer of the CETA.
7. Core Business Committee
The Core Business Committee evaluate and make recommendations in respect of the following issues relating to the core business of the CETA:
- The allocation of skills development projects
- The accreditation of training providers
- The handling of Workplace Skills Plans and Annual Training Reports
- The development of the Sector Skills Plan and
- Quarterly reporting to the Executive Authority
8. Audit Committee
The Audit Committee must perform the functions of an audit committee in terms of the PFMA. The Audit Committee must monitor and reinforce the effectiveness of both the internal control system and the internal audit function.
Board Chairperson: Mr. Thabo Masombuka - Biography